There are millions of customers that have subscribed to this music streaming service from Apple ever since it was released on iOS 9 beta 3 and iOS 8.4. Customers everywhere can access the service for a ridiculously low price, but Apple Music’s streaming software needs Wi-Fi to function. And in doing so, a customer makes up for the music service’s low cost.
There is a way to keep your mobile or Wi-Fi data, though. We’ve covered two methods in this instruction manual for listening to Apple Music without using up all your data on the internet. You can test this out on both a Mac and an iPhone.
How to Play Apple Music on iPhone Without Using Mobile/Cellular Data
Operating the Apple Music app is comparatively simpler. On your iPhone, open the app and select any song from the “For You,” “New,” or other playlists.
Follow the straightforward instructions below while the song is playing on your iPhone.
Step #1. On the right side of a music track or playlist, press the ellipsis and the download menu item.
Step #2. The menu will expand when you swipe up.
Step #3. Press the Download button.
The music file will be downloaded as a result of this activity, and it will also be added to My Music. The music is playable on all Apple Music-enabled devices.
Always download music from Apple Music to your iPhone
If you don’t what to select songs or playlists individually for download then you can set Apple Music to automatically download the music you hear. This will download the music to your iPhone automatically.
Step #1. Click on Settings.
Step #2. Search or click on Music.
Step #3. Enable automatic downloads.
How to Play Apple Music on a Mac Without Burning Internet Data
Step #1. Click iTunes.
Step #2. Click on a playlist, album, or song.
Step #3. Click the ellipsis and select Add to My Music once the album, song, or playlist has been selected.
Step #4. Now select the My Music tab from the iTunes window’s top menu.
Step #5. By clicking on an iCloud symbol, you can download the song.